
Helpful Links

We've compiled a list of local businesses that offer products and services you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you don't see what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.


Local Florists


Salama Greenhouse and Floral |  204 South Division Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-4373

Hy-Vee Floral  |  1111 8th Street Boone, Iowa 50036 | (515) 432-6065







Berean Baptist Church  |  720 South Montana Boone, Iowa 50036  |  515-432-6028

First Baptist Church  |  612 8th Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-5981





Sacred Heart Catholic Church  |  915 12 Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-1971





First United Methodist  |  703 Arden Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  515-432-4660





Augustana Lutheran Church |  309 South Green Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-5910

Trinity Lutheran Church  |  712 12th Street Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-5140

St. Paul's Lutheran Church  |  781 Spruce Lane Boone, Iowa 50036  |  (515) 432-4470




Evangelical Free


Evangelical Free Church  |  1407 Kate Shelley Drive  |  (515) 432-7690





American Inn & Suites of Boone  |  (515) 432-4322








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